What is sisterhood?
This great question was posed during our She’s Wild gathering last weekend. Let’s be honest, we don’t all have a great relationship with our sisters, so why would we want to replicate this dynamic in the context of a women’s group?
Deeply appreciative of the opportunity to explain my intention behind creating a space for a She’s Wild sisterhood, I paused for a moment to make sure I could answer this question in a way that was authentic and clear. Evidently, the following summary is more polished than my initial response, but the messaging remains the same. So here I go…
When I close my eyes and give myself space to sink into what sisterhood feels like at an embodied level, this is what percolates to the surface.

As the group’s name suggests, this is a gathering of women who enjoy spending time outdoors, seeking wild places—no matter their experience level. Our shared love for nature is mirrored in our collective wonder of finding plump rose hips, spying our first golden chanterelle, and hearing the raven’s wings beat. And as we sit in the dried up Perseverance Creek bed surrounded by towering cedars, we find peace trickling into our bones as our body's inner rhythm synchronizes with the natural surroundings. For me, this experience of “arriving” in nature has a sound, a vibration of sorts - a base tone that resembles that of a cello.

Among the trees there is no judgment. A similar thing can be said of sisterhood. Among sisters, you don’t have to pretend things are okay when they aren’t. Your sister listens. She offers personal insight when appropriate. She calls you on your shit. She genuinely cares.
In sisterhood, you feel safe to be vulnerable.
You feel seen.
Finding our true voice within sisterhood, messy as it may be, is a key part of this journey. A She's Wild sister is developing her ability to communicate authentically and set clear boundaries, recognizing that this is a lifelong journey. This is particularly important because, as women, many of us have been taught to be passive—to quiet our voices. Our time together provides an opportunity to practice speaking up, a space where you can look into each other's eyes and see a reflection of your own struggles and triumphs. It’s a bond built on mutual understanding and empathy, where we support each other in reclaiming our voices from the deeply rooted expectations that have been placed on us.

Trust is a cornerstone of true sisterhood. You can trust that your sisters aren’t hiding anything from you, and that if something’s bothering them, they’ll have the courage to initiate a conversation. True sisterhood means owning our experiences and seeking resolution in a way that moves us all forward together. We don’t shut each other out; we create space for open, courageous conversations.
We show up for each other.
And we aren’t always serious. Playfulness, creativity, and spontaneity are welcomed here. Sisterhood also means rekindling that childlike joy, embracing laughter, and allowing space for freedom and fun. It reminds us that we can be fully present and find connection not only in our challenges but also in moments of lightness.
This is what sisterhood looks like in She’s Wild: trust, connection, shared experiences, and the freedom to show up as your whole self—messy, wild, and authentic.
